What is up with daytime tv?
There are at least three or four cooking shows on throughout the day. Big meals, some do multiple courses. They focus on taste and don't seem to bother with things like watching how much oil or other fatty ingredients they use. I can understand that. They have to make them look nice and let's face it, sometimes the pastries and things covered in cheese just taste yummier.
But my G-d, I've been home for 4 days and all I've wanted to do is eat and eat and eat. Damn shows. I haven't even been watching them. Just knowing they're there is making me hungry. Even the freakin commercials are foodie things (except the 'donate to a poor, starving child' ones to guilt you after you've eaten out your entire cupboard and fridge).
No wonder people who are at home more often are also a bit more on the fatty boombah side!
But my G-d, I've been home for 4 days and all I've wanted to do is eat and eat and eat. Damn shows. I haven't even been watching them. Just knowing they're there is making me hungry. Even the freakin commercials are foodie things (except the 'donate to a poor, starving child' ones to guilt you after you've eaten out your entire cupboard and fridge).
No wonder people who are at home more often are also a bit more on the fatty boombah side!
Hey! I resemble that comment! ;)
Fatty Boomba is, of course, one of Zaire's best known musicians...
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