Saturday, July 02, 2005

This time last year...

...I was at a beautiful b&b in the country. I was single (apart from the fact that I was kinda hangin' with Navy Guy). I did what I wanted, when it suited me.

Today, I washed floors, did laundry and supervised a 7 year old making a cake. Now I'm staying home while the boys go to a drive-in movie, so I can have dinner prepared when they get home. My G-d, I've turned into a stepford wife!!

What an artwork!



Blogger SJ said...

So what - is it your birthday? Happy Birthday if it is! You should have said, we could have gone out to celebrate!

Awesome looking cake by the way...

6:01 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Nope. Not my birthday. That's in August....and I'll be having a 21st and you're invited. The cake was part of a bribery tactic that was supposed to be used last night to make el kiddo eat his dinner. Failed miserably last night, but worked (so far) today. LOL

We have to catch up again soon! I'm off work next week. Maybe we can do lunch. :-)

6:05 pm  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

That cake is ummm, ummmm, COLORFUL!

12:29 am  
Blogger kyknoord said...

As long as you don't feel compelled to wear lace and ribbons, you're probably safe for now. Love the psychedelic cake, BTW.

3:20 pm  
Blogger Anonymous G said...

i must be hungry, 'cause that cake looks GOOD! :-p

you may be a stepford, but you're still our "E".

1:30 am  

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