Friday, February 18, 2005

And the verdict is....

.....there is no verdict, yet.

I went to the docs and explained all my symptoms and that I wanted to see a gyno. He gave me a preggo test - the first I've had in yeeeeaaaars - and it came back negative. I think I sounded too pleased when I told C. LOL As some of you know, my biggest fear/phobia is to be pregnant - just the thought of it being a possibility probably made my symptoms worse! LOL On the other hand, C told me a couple of months ago that if that were to happen, it'd be a 'joyous and momentus occasion'. Ha, yeah right! :-p

The good news is that the doc doesn't think it's anything urgent that needs to be worried about immediately, but I do have to go see a woman doc sometime in the next week, then depending what happens there, see the specialist a week or so after.

So, no idea what's wrong yet, despite the doc running a few tests already, but he's not concerned and was reassuring enough that I didn't feel the need to push for a specialist appointment earlier than two weeks. We'll just see how I go and if anything changes, we can revisit the plan.

And there ya have it. I just have to hurry up and wait. The joys of being female, huh?

Thanks all for the thoughts and the emails. I really do appreciate it.

And was that anon comment from Rich?? If so, I'm sooo glad you commented. Been thinking about you. Take care of you!


Blogger monica said...

well, I suppose there are worse fates in life than being pregnant... but all the same, isn't it great that guys are so enthusiastic about having tons of children? (insert eye roll here)

if men bore children, nobody would have siblings.

;) Glad to hear things are ok so far.

4:40 am  

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