Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I was annoyed with myself, till Lori out-did me.

I was clearing out my storage unit on Saturday morning, with my friend Greg. He was also clearing his out, so we shared the cost of a removal truck. All our stuff is now in my garage till we can figure out what is crap to be dumped and what is to be kept.

With two hours to go before we had to have the truck back, and with the truck still to be packed with his things, driven to my place and unpacked, I attempted to get out of the truck, misjudged and landed badly.

At first, I thought I'd sprained my ankle, but it was ok. Once I took a step, it was a different story. I have never in my life seen a bruise form so fast (although I'm sure Lori's face bruised just as fast as my foot!!) and the pain was insane. I couldn't do anything about it for another couple of hours, but hey, if you don't think about it, it doesn't hurt as much, right?

That was Saturday afternoon. Proving how good I am at denial and procrastination, it took me till Tuesday to see the doctor and get x-rays. The good news is I didn't break anything. I tore muscles and tendons under my foot, in the arch, and it's the same pretty purple and blue colours of Lori's face. The doc says I'm not allowed to do anything on it at all for 2-4 weeks, unless it's absolutely necessary.

Yeah, like that's going to happen, huh! For a start, I didn't have anyone to chauffer me around today, so I had to go grocery shopping on my own. The girl at the checkout asked if I was hopping for fun or if I hurt myself. Uh huh, I like looking like a tosser in front of dozens of Armaggedon New Years Eve shoppers buying last minute items. (Aside: Folks, the stores are closed for ONE DAY. You don't need to stock up on tinned items and powdered milk just yet!)

I don't have to work anywhere till Monday, so I will try to behave myself and obey the doctor till then .....with the exception of the discount book sale, coz let's be serious, I can't avoid books for $1!

Happy and safe New Year to everyone...from the comfort of my lounge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Eveie! xx

3:40 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Bwa ha ha ha ha! I always have to one-up. I learned it from my mother, dontchaknow.

Heal quickly my friend.


11:30 am  
Blogger Mel said...

OH mygosh.....

To BOTH of you.

Sheeeeeshhh....we need to wrap ya both in bubble wrap.

10:47 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

Happy, Joyous, Wondrous New Years to you, ma'am.


10:48 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ouch! Hope you and Lori are feeling better soon! :)

Ankles take a while to heal, but I guess at least you don't need surgery? Eh.

6:51 pm  
Blogger Anonymous G said...

OWch! I hope you heal right and quickly, even though I have a hunch you'll follow doctor's orders only when it's convenient.


Take good care, E!
Happy New Year!!


6:45 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

Ouch is right! Take it easy and get better... nothing worse than an injury not healing correctly and making things worse. Ack! Talk about looking on the bright side! lol Happy new years!

4:00 am  

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