Thursday, May 29, 2008

And yet...

M has been in daily contact with me since almost day one of this year, despite the crazy-making hours I've been doing. The couple of odd occasions where we've not communicated on a certain day have been instigated by me when I've been in head-spinning, pea soup spitting moods, either directed at him, or something completely unrelated. He's like one of those cups that you can't tip over. Try as you might to make it stay tipped, it just stands right back up again. It's absolutely frustrating, but equally appealing.

But we still haven't met.


Blogger Mel said...

<---has her own tippy-cup


9:27 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...


I'm doing my best to make the damn thing stay tipped. I sent one of those 'should not have hit send' emails after midnight the other night and the damn cup stood right back up again.

9:51 am  

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