Wednesday, March 21, 2007


So, Dr Ruth says that hypnotherapy is just me wanting a quick fix and that it's not that simple. I gave her good reasons. At least, I thought I did. She laughed and said I can't get a quick solution to everything with hypnotherapy. I replied that, no, they should make a pill for it, instead. hehe

Speaking of pills, she thinks I might need some. There's a whole chicken/egg thing going on, she thinks, with my narcolepsy and depression. What came first? What is it? Is it both? Is it one? Hard to say. Whatever it is, I have to trial the vitamins I'm currently taking altogether, separately. Two weeks with just one, then two weeks with just the other and see if either of them really do make any difference to my mood/energy levels etc. After that, she'll look at prescribing one of those drugs. Great.

The next thing she said kind blew me away. Based on the things I've told her about how I feel, what motivates me, what doesn't, what I think, how I react to things, in the last few months, she's given me a questionnaire to complete. General Adult ADD Symptom Checklist.


She's given me homework. I have to fill out the questionnaire, but I also have to write out a list of everything I have to do and take it to her next time I see her, with everything (or whatever I bring myself to do) crossed off. She wants to see what I'm doing, compared to what I'm supposed to be doing. I know that probably doesn't completely make sense, because I haven't explained in full, but that's my task. Blah! Just the thought of having to do that is stressful.

Please, someone, remind me before 19 April! LOL

Sigh....possibly depression and ADD....and a requirement for drugs. Just great! Who'd have ever thunk that?!

Oh, apparently long term depression kills brain cells. May as well start drinkin'. :-/


Blogger SJ said...

Admit it, your whole world's fallen apart since I left ;)

11:55 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Sad, but true. :-p

9:31 am  
Blogger Mel said...

The potential for ADD surprises you?!

Oh LOOK! A chicken!!


And a list?
Like a REAL list? Or a made up one at the last moment cuz you started one and the chickens kept distracting you......
JUST askin'!!

1:56 pm  
Blogger Mel said...

I want you to know the word ver. was 'moofzoo'. LOL

1:56 pm  
Blogger monica said...

Yeah, well, my sleep patterns were completely AFU a couple summers ago when I was processing all that Mark crud. So I totally believe it could be two sides of the same coin.

How come I didn't get a cool verification word? What the heck is nmzpb, anyway??? :)

4:52 am  

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