Needles and other sharp feelings
Acupuncture needles
Can I just say I'm luuuurving the twice weekly massage and acupuncture I'm getting. Unfortunately, I've reached my limit on my health insurance, so I'll be paying the full amount myself now - and only going once a week. But it's made such a difference to my mood and general health. It's nice to have a body that doesn't hurt all the time and I can't believe it, but I don't remember the last time I had a really bad headache! There've been a couple of times I've had a small one for a couple of hours, but nothing like what I used to get for days on end. Amazing.
Counselling needles
My psychologist is awesome. She has a way of making the suckful things into positives. I got in trouble for saying I had nothing to show for myself and she said we have to work specifically on getting me out of that sort of thinking. Okey doke. Yeah, I know I shouldn't think like that, but it's hard sometimes when I know I'm not where I want to be, or where I expected to be - wherever that is. T is a scientist and always sees things in black and white. I'm not like that at all and she pointed out that "nothing to show for myself" is black, when in reality, everything is grey and everything else in between. It really doesn't make sense that I think of some aspects of my life in complete black and white, yet that's not my natural way of thinking. Anyway, she's making me feel bad, well silly, for thinking negatively. And that's a good thing. Uncomfy, but good.
Job needles
Two more days in my old job. It's surreal. It hasn't sunk in that I'm starting somewhere else in a little over a week. I only realised two days ago that the job I'll be doing has a national responsibility. Holy cow! I'm going from looking after a couple of hundred teachers and admin staff and their software issues, to looking after staff on more than 100 projects and a workforce of over 2,000 people. Overwhelming. Probably a good thing that I haven't thought too much about it so far. I've only heard positive things about the company so far, so that's comforting.
I'm going to lunch tomorrow with my fearless offsider. I'm gonna miss working with him. The good thing is, I'll only be 15 minutes away at the new job, so I hope we can keep catching up for lunch from time to time....till I can get him a job with the new company so we can work together again. Ha! People have been sending me really nice emails and calling to say they'll miss me. It's kinda nice, but I am selfishly hoping they don't do anything special for me on Monday. I just want to bow out quietly.
Boy needles
I miss T. More than I care to admit. I don't miss his moodiness. I miss the fun we had. He sometimes hurt me without even realising it, but most of the time, he made me feel so special. I miss that. I miss the sensitive person he could be when he wasn't being angry at the world. Time heals, I suppose.
The boy I met on Saturday night has been texting me every day since. He really is Mr Not-right. Anyone who smokes, does pot and party drugs does not have the same lifestyle goals as me. He doesn't drink much and says, "Instant arsehole - just add alcohol" in reference to what tends to happen with guys who drink lots. I agree with him on that point. He seems like a nice person. Just not for me. That's not going to stop me catching up with him tomorrow night. He's asked that we go somewhere quiet and relaxed to eat so we can just talk. I like that he's got half a clue to suggest that. I like that I know off the bat that he's completely wrong for me in terms of a relationship of any sort. It means I have absolutely no expectations and there's no pressure on me, because I'm just not interested. And I'm nowhere near ready. That feeling is kinda liberating. I hope we have a nice night. Either way, I'm sure I'll analyse it here on the weekend.
Can I just say I'm luuuurving the twice weekly massage and acupuncture I'm getting. Unfortunately, I've reached my limit on my health insurance, so I'll be paying the full amount myself now - and only going once a week. But it's made such a difference to my mood and general health. It's nice to have a body that doesn't hurt all the time and I can't believe it, but I don't remember the last time I had a really bad headache! There've been a couple of times I've had a small one for a couple of hours, but nothing like what I used to get for days on end. Amazing.
Counselling needles
My psychologist is awesome. She has a way of making the suckful things into positives. I got in trouble for saying I had nothing to show for myself and she said we have to work specifically on getting me out of that sort of thinking. Okey doke. Yeah, I know I shouldn't think like that, but it's hard sometimes when I know I'm not where I want to be, or where I expected to be - wherever that is. T is a scientist and always sees things in black and white. I'm not like that at all and she pointed out that "nothing to show for myself" is black, when in reality, everything is grey and everything else in between. It really doesn't make sense that I think of some aspects of my life in complete black and white, yet that's not my natural way of thinking. Anyway, she's making me feel bad, well silly, for thinking negatively. And that's a good thing. Uncomfy, but good.
Job needles
Two more days in my old job. It's surreal. It hasn't sunk in that I'm starting somewhere else in a little over a week. I only realised two days ago that the job I'll be doing has a national responsibility. Holy cow! I'm going from looking after a couple of hundred teachers and admin staff and their software issues, to looking after staff on more than 100 projects and a workforce of over 2,000 people. Overwhelming. Probably a good thing that I haven't thought too much about it so far. I've only heard positive things about the company so far, so that's comforting.
I'm going to lunch tomorrow with my fearless offsider. I'm gonna miss working with him. The good thing is, I'll only be 15 minutes away at the new job, so I hope we can keep catching up for lunch from time to time....till I can get him a job with the new company so we can work together again. Ha! People have been sending me really nice emails and calling to say they'll miss me. It's kinda nice, but I am selfishly hoping they don't do anything special for me on Monday. I just want to bow out quietly.
Boy needles
I miss T. More than I care to admit. I don't miss his moodiness. I miss the fun we had. He sometimes hurt me without even realising it, but most of the time, he made me feel so special. I miss that. I miss the sensitive person he could be when he wasn't being angry at the world. Time heals, I suppose.
The boy I met on Saturday night has been texting me every day since. He really is Mr Not-right. Anyone who smokes, does pot and party drugs does not have the same lifestyle goals as me. He doesn't drink much and says, "Instant arsehole - just add alcohol" in reference to what tends to happen with guys who drink lots. I agree with him on that point. He seems like a nice person. Just not for me. That's not going to stop me catching up with him tomorrow night. He's asked that we go somewhere quiet and relaxed to eat so we can just talk. I like that he's got half a clue to suggest that. I like that I know off the bat that he's completely wrong for me in terms of a relationship of any sort. It means I have absolutely no expectations and there's no pressure on me, because I'm just not interested. And I'm nowhere near ready. That feeling is kinda liberating. I hope we have a nice night. Either way, I'm sure I'll analyse it here on the weekend.
Dude you SO are interested. Stop saying you're not ;)
Eh, I like the attention, but I'm not about to run off and elope with the dude.
I think you should. Free bar at the wedding!
Haha, well when I find the right person, I'll make sure there's a free bar and you're invited.
So where's my $20?
Ha, you don't get no $20. The story is an interesting one though. Will post about it later. Tow truck came at 9:45pm!! Were still having dinner at 11!
Gotta go out now. Will call you later about tonight.
By the way - "you don't get no $20" is a double negative, meaning I do get it.
I can't believe you fell for the old "car broke down" line ;)
LOL, ITA w/ Ian. May as well enjoy it, no matter how "wrong" he is.
Still mish mashing through my own muck here... and in a vacuum. TTYL.
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