Thursday, February 02, 2006


I bought a hot dog for lunch from our canteen, because I couldn't be bothered getting in my car and driving down the road to buy food. After I bought it, the thought of eating it made me ill. I gave it away. I've had no lunch. I'll have a chupa chup later. Mmmm nutrition...

Ever consider who touched the bowser before you, when you go to fill up with petrol? I did yesterday. Now I wish I hadn't.

I got a phone call today from a girlfriend I haven't spoken to in over 18 months. I thought about her just the other day. She's nothing like me and our lives are completely different. But I like her.

My cat eats peas. She loves them. The other day, I tried to give her meat off a pizza, but she didn't want it. Later that night, she bothered me until I shared a marshmallow with her. I think she needs pet therapy.

I've decided to start working the Dr Fun-Killer 'diet' again. It's not really a diet and I am not going to take all the potions like last time. It'll make me feel better. Oink oink oink!

There's a girl on a message board that I post on who has seriously unrealistic expectations of the real world and jobs. She doesn't realise that sometimes you have to do a job you don't like, to earn a living, even if you have a degree that says you're qualified to do something much better. It can't respond to it. It's too frustrating.


Blogger consise10 said...

Funny about the hot dog! Today I purchased a big packet of Burger Rings and didn`t even share them, and that made me feel like a real slob!

10:37 pm  
Blogger Ariel said...

My sister has 2 degrees and doesn't understand the concept of work either. A degree is not a right to a good job. Most people know that you go to work, you pay the bills, and maybe save a little. There is no such thing as a free ride...

3:49 am  
Blogger kT said...

One of my cats spent dinner time last night playing with a cracker. He loves them and will steal them off the counter if I leave the bag there.

I have several degrees. They mean that I have several pretty pieces of paper. I'm still a mid-level bureaucrat who doesn't get paid much and works hours of unpaid overtime. I'm cool with that. Most of the time.

5:56 am  
Blogger SJ said...

You didn't go on a diet because of that banana and pineapple muffin drizzled in chocolate you had the other day, did you? ;)

By the way - that walk we did around Albert Park was 5km!

6:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm, I'm about 99.9% sure who you're talking about regarding that last thought and I'm right there with you in the frustration... although I'll admit, it is turning to annoyance...

And what on earth is a chupa chup? I think the language barrier is rearing it's ugly head here ;)

7:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

    chupa chups are lollipops. we have some of them here, hehe.
    hotdogs are divine! i'd never offer up one to the chthonic gods. the bowser, I'm guessing, is the gas nozzle? since I feel invincible usually, I don't worry.
    opposites attract -- even with friends usually.
    cats are insane, I've found out in my research. marshmallows are alien food. meat off a pizza is fundamental.
    diets are crazy, hehe. but I wish you luck in yours, dear. and I know a lot about jobs I don't like, lol... not as much as some, but I still do. hopefully I'll find a job with my PhD though.

9:31 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Consise, I have not had burger rings for eons! Mmmmmm...

Ariel, yep. A piece of paper doesn't make anyone 'entitled'.

lol kT, my cats don't steal stuff, but they will sit there and make me feel guilty for eating in front of them, particularly if I don't at least show them what I've got.

Ian, lol people are gonna believe the things you say about me here! It was banana and something though...and dry as all hell. I thought that walk was 5km. Didn't feel like it.

Ang, I reckon you know who it is too. As for chupa chups, they first went on sale in 1958, with a logo designed by Salvador Dali.
You've never had one? Go find one. mmmmm

Greyor, marshmallows are alien food? That explains everything!

9:49 am  

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