Thursday, February 02, 2006

Go west

Go west, life is peaceful there.
Go west, lots of open air.
Go west to begin life new...

Stupid Village People putting lyrics into my head! I hope you're all singing along now, too. No reason I should be the only one to suffer!

There's something about putting things in writing that makes them more real. Putting them in writing and sharing them makes them real, and a little scary. In a conversation with T on Sunday night, I brought up the topic of me going to Perth on a trial basis for 3 months. We'd talked about it before, but never with a timeline. Now we've got one.

My lease ends in early April. There's no way in the world either of us would be ready for me to go there at that time. It's too soon and nine weeks is not enough preparation time. Having said that, I moved from Brisbane to Melbourne in four weeks, but that was 10 years ago and I had much less to consider.

July is more do-able. That gives us another 5 months to freak out. Ha! (Only joking, T!!) No, it gives us another 5 months to plan how we're going to do it, plan what I'm going to do with regards to work (my biggest headache), allow me to get some money together, and make a few more trips over there so I'm more familiar/comfortable with everything. And meet his family and friends....without passing out from nerves.

...and get used to their bad drivers (I wouldn't have thunk it if I hadn't have seen it!)

...and no late night shopping, except on Thursdays

...and lower wages

...warmer winters and cooler summers (ok, that one's not so bad) daylight savings

At least I'll miss most of this Melbourne winter. Then again, it means I won't get to wear all my cool winter clothes.

So there you have it. Looks like I'll be having a birthday in Perth this year. Hopefully, that means I won't be sick for it and it won't be as cold and raining, as seems to be the case recently.

Now that I think about it though, July will depend also on some doctor visits I have in June. I think I posted last year when I had a bad smear result (sorry guys, but I'm a girl, so you're gonna get some girly info on here from time to time), and I had to go for a follow up. I did that a couple of weeks ago and it's still not good. Not bad bad, but not good. The follow up for that is June. If it's still not good, then it's off to hospital again for biopsies and all that fun stuff. I'm not all that concerned really. The BTDT factor means I don't usually worry about it till it happens, and it's better that way! I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. My other doc's appointment at that time is with my specialist. That's really just to appease the government so they'll keep giving me prescriptions for my happy pills.

Oh, another impulse thought that actually seems to make some sense...

July might turn out to be the ideal time to do this 3 month trial, as long as I can get the leave from work. That'll take me through to the end of September, which coincides with the end of school holidays and means it technically shouldn't be as much of an issue here with work. I could work the last school term and use the second half of December to relocate. Wow....weird to say the word...

It's a little daunting sometimes, when I think about it too much. But I knew I was getting into this when I signed up to do this LDR with T. Only way for us both to find out if it's worth it, and I think it is, is for me to go over there and see how we go. The thought of it makes me happy, though, and that's what counts.

I never would have thought this time last year that this year, I'd be considering living on the other side of the country, by this time next year.


Blogger Anonymous G said...


12:30 pm  
Blogger consise10 said...

Three months should be adequate time to get a feel for one anothers living 'quirks'! Best of luck with your looming health issues too...they sound scarey.

10:48 pm  
Blogger Ariel said...

Good luck on all counts! And I looked up Perth, looked lovely....

3:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow!

I remember when I was like you... oh so long ago....


Life is more sedate for me now, and I think I'm learning to like it that way.

4:17 am  
Blogger kT said...

It's scary, but some things you can never know without taking a risk.

Sending healthy thoughts to the down under.....

5:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take your time with it -- make a move soon, obviously, before the window disappears -- but July is probably good. is Perth in the middle of nowhere or something? I don't know Aus all that well... I have a friend in Sydney though, hehe. hope the doctor visits turn out well -- I'm sure they will, you'll be great. and hey, it'll be good that you're closer to your boy -- may make things easier and all right? hehe.

9:27 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

G - Totally eeek! LOL but I'm mostly ok with the idea. When I moved here, it was a toss up between here and Perth, so going over there has always been an idea I've played with anyway.

Consise - I think 3 mos is good too. I'm trying to consider all the 'what ifs' in the process. I've got half a plan. The rest will work itself out when I'm there. Thanks for the health luck too.

Ariel - thanks. And yeah, Perth is pretty.

RG - I like your type of sedate. :-)

kT - you're right. Only one way to find out. Sending health vibes back atcha too.

9:38 am  

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