"It seems you are deeply shocked whatever happened in your childhood. Try to forget all."
That was written by someone else, to someone else and I can't post the situation that prompted the response. It's the one of the most dumb-arse, stupid, lame pieces of advice I've heard in a long time.
If I wasn't so pissed off at the naivety of it, I'd probably be able to find the words to explain why I'm so pissed off. Maybe I will tomorrow.
That was written by someone else, to someone else and I can't post the situation that prompted the response. It's the one of the most dumb-arse, stupid, lame pieces of advice I've heard in a long time.
If I wasn't so pissed off at the naivety of it, I'd probably be able to find the words to explain why I'm so pissed off. Maybe I will tomorrow.

(Getting over panicing that it was something I said....)
That's really pretty awful... really.
Sounds like something A would have said to me.
Yes, because repression? Is really good for the soul and psyche.
I don't know who said it or why, but not everyone can be as smart as you are.
everyone seems to want to blame childhood for problems... wasn't childhood like Candy Land with dancing bears and lollipops for everyone? hehe ;) anyways, forgetting would be wonderful, but the ones who survive are the ones who remember enough to not make the same mistakes again and such. oblivion is for those quiet moments in space and time that don't require cognition, heh..
Maybe they should be introduced to the giant jellyfish. Then they can try to forget all about that.
Just a thought.
Where was that photo taken? Gorgeous!
M, I took that photo at the same place I took this one in my earlier post (http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/232/569/1600/20%20tessellatedpavement_eaglehawkneck.jpg)
There are two types of rock formations there. One is loaves, which is the one in this post, and one is pans, which is the flatter rocks in my other post. It's way cool, because you can only see them at low tide and we got there just at the right time. :-)
Greyor, you had dancing bears? Man, I missed out big time! LOL
And kT, I only just figured out who you are. My G-d I truly am ooooh so very sloooooooow sometimes!
Not an issue. I like being a little incognito online. Or, rather, it's more that I don't publicize my blog too much.
Regardless, you rock and I want kangas on my holidays. Really.
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