Saturday, November 19, 2005

Prime Time

I had an interesting weekend. In fact, the previous three weekends have been hectic in their own way too. I thought this would be my couple of days of solitude and regrouping (and typing a whole lot of blah for my course).

It hasn't turned out that way. Three weeks ago, I had lunch with a guy friend and he was telling me about a mess he'd gotten himself into because he'd met this fantastic girl, but hadn't quite broken up with his ex - and neglected to mention it to the new girl, who promptly received a phone call from ex girl. Mmm, it got complicated for a bit. Anyway, no mention was made of names, but I offered my ever-sage advice and went on my way.

During the week, a girlfriend who I rarely see, and who I should really invest more time into my friendship with, sent me a text message to ask if I knew someone she'd started seeing and did I still work with him. (She's the one in the pics below, who I went out with on Friday night.) I replied yes, I knew him and he was a friend of mine. She said she was 'sort of' seeing him.

It turns out that my girlfriend had met my guy friend and they'd started seeing each other. Small damn world huh?

During the week, I also sent a text message to the girl who was my next door neighbour (and who still lives next door to C), and asked if she wanted to catch up over the weekend. She said yes, and we met on Saturday for lunch, then went out on Saturday night to see a movie. We saw Prime. Hasn't had the best reviews, plot is predictable from the start, and the acting is a bit over the top. But is was light and funny and some good one-liners kept us amused. We steered clear mostly of any talk about C. Right now I don't care what he's up to, nor do I want to put her in an uncomfortable position, considering she relies on his help occasionally to do 'guy' stuff for her around her house.

It was just nice though, to be socialising again with the only two single female friends I have.

I had some moments of insecurity after I talked with T on Saturday night. "Why does he like me? What's he want from me?" type thoughts. Strange that when we're happy we start to doubt it, and cause ourselves to think negatively for no good reason. But he sent me a message when he left Hobart, then another one when he got to Sydney, to see if I could get on line to chat. And I did. We talked about me going to see him and he told me to book flights. Shortly afterwards, he had to board his next plane to Adelaide, so that's where things were left.

Anxiety was pretty high as I searched for and booked and paid for those damn tickets to go see him. Thankfully, I had a nice afternoon in the park with Ian (and Ian, you should write something about that questionaire dude, coz you're funnier than me). It was a convenient distraction and probably saved me from having the panic attack I may have had, had I had the afternoon sitting at home to think about it all. I think I have to thank young Ian by inviting him out some place with my single female friends.

A day later and I'm still nervous about having booked my flights. I can't really put my finger on exactly why. I guess I just didn't expect to be in this position, whatever that is, with someone already. It's nice that I am. I'm just not letting myself be comfortable with it, but I really should. I'm happy. That's all that matters, right?

Er, did I mention the part on Saturday night where my cat started throwing up all over my doona cover and on my doona, attempted to throw up on my clothes, then proceeded to throw up all over the floor in the lounge room? No? Ugh, well she did. And I spent from 3am to 5am washing my bedding and cleaning floors and trying not to throw up myself. I wasn't pleased. I thought it was only people with kids who had to deal with nights like that.

Later this week, I'll be booking our tickets to Lindeman Island in January. Now that is an anxiety attack just waiting to happen.

Life certainly isn't boring around these parts lately. :-)

(Oh, and I still haven't posted pics of our trip, because I don't have them yet. He sent them on Wed, but it seems Australia Post are trekking them across country by camel instead of by air.)


Blogger consise10 said...

Quite an eventful weekend. So which state will you be meeting up with T ? I think you sound a little nervous though- am I correct?

Poor cat, how unfortunate for you having to clean up all the mess.

7:03 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

He lives in Perth, so I'll be jetting off to WA on the 17th. And you're quite right about me being nervous, but it's not about him. It'll be two years, give or take a few days, since the last time I flew to meet someone (in Nevada!) and he didn't show, so it's a bit surreal at times.

I have no doubt he'll be there though. I just have to get over myself and stop making myself suffer now for someone else's mistake back then. :-p

Nice to see you here too, Consise. :-)

7:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the funny thing about those early relationship nerves? Right now they're all unpleasant and make you uncomfortable and nervous, but when you've been together for a million years you'll look back on it fondly as the early excitement in the relationship! I'm sure you'll have a great time together, and just remember it's those jitters that make the rollercoaster ride that much more fun!

6:19 am  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I agree with Angela. When I drive home from the train and pass a certain sign, I'm reminded almost every day about how nervous I used to get passing that sign on my way to visit Hubby when we were dating.

It is kind of fun to think back of the rollercoaster of emotions, but I REALLY like it when jitters are gone.

and EWWWW about the cat. I've cleaned up way too many cat/dog/kid messes like that in my lifetime. Ick. Blech.

11:38 am  

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