Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm such a cheap date

Sometimes I think C should be so lucky he's with me. His last gf got around with a 5carat diamond on her hand (which he said must have made other guys think he was the richest guy out), and basically pranced around like she was money (my impression from things he's told me).

Me? I couldn't care less about having my nails painted, wearing makeup etc (gotta have mascara though, or I'd look like I was dead with no eyelashes), and I know my own worth without having to have a bunch of sparkly adornments dripping off me for the world to see.

So he rang me at work on Tuesday afternoon. "Wanna go on a date?" Sure. He tells me we can go see Star Wars at 6pm, or the next time is quite late and we'd get home late. Six it is. But I say, "but baby, you're taking me on a date. Aren't you gonna feed me too?" He responds about us not having much time. "But I don't wanna starve. You can take me to McD's for a nice romantic meal deal." Actually, no, I'm not that cheap.

We both got to the cinema about 5.15. Next door is one of those cool 50s diners with red leather booth seats and little juke boxes on the tables. We had milkshakes and hamburgers. REAL hamburgers. The type where you can see it's real pieces of tomato, lettuce, cheese, and pickles, with buns that are not big enough to hold the insides, and where the sauce drips down your arm to your elbow. And it cost us less than it would have cost us to go to McD's.

Since we'd taken two cars to get there, I stopped on the way home after the movie to buy cat food (I am sooo not a responsible parent and always forget they need to be fed too).

By the time I'd gotten home, he was running a bath with bubbles, candles, soft music, and had the heater on (because it's getting damn cold here these days).

Honestly, it doesn't take much at all to make me happy and he knows exactly how to do it.

I don't need him to spend (see: waste) a whole bunch of money to impress me. Gimme a hamburger, a movie and a hot bath and I'm content. What more do ya need?

What's your ideal 'cheap date'?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not in the date kind of mood, myself...

i just wanted to comment on your post. you made me all warm and fuzzy. sometimes the most simple things are the best...

~Anonymous G

12:31 am  
Blogger monica said...

what I wouldn't give for a quiet night in with take out and a movie...

but if "date" means get out of the house, than either mini golf or bowling, I guess!

5:38 am  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

If we go on a date, it's usually dinner and a few pints, listening to irish music. The other day, we took a long walk along the beach. I'm also a cheap date (or so I like to think!)

He sounds like he knows what works for you.. now THAT'S romantic...

3:11 am  

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