It might look innocent, but it's not!

Not much time to post right now, but I thought I'd get this one out, because I think this photo is funny and because I know Ian has been waiting on the edge of his seat for an update.
This llama, which looks more like a freaky hand puppet in this photo, was a seriously paranoid fellow. His job is to protect our friend's sheep from foxes. He was a bit over protective though, and it took a while for me to get up the guts to get close enough to him to feed him. I did eventually and thought myself very brave for doing so.
As far as llamas go, he's fairly small. Yes, they apparently can grow to be more than 7 feet tall. I don't think I'd have let him eat out of my hand if he was that big. It was bad enough thinking he was going to spit at me the entire time. I think it decided not to, in fear of its own personal safety...I wouldn't have been too happy with it if it felt inclined to spit on us. C took the easy way out and said he had to stay a distance away to take the photos. Hmmm.....

This one makes me look more scared of the animals than I was. Really, they were so keen to be patted that I was standing back so I didn't get knocked over by the gate, because they kept pushing against it.

Not sure if you can tell, but the sheeps' wool was so long it looked like they had dreadlocks, so I was calling them rasta sheep all weekend. Hehe, yes, I'm lame, I know.
Oh...and please disregard the fact that you can see my underwear in this shot. Sigh...that happens when you go away for the weekend and pack the wrong stuff. :-/
More on us later and a longer update on where we went while we were away...
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