Friday, April 22, 2005

Never assume

Assuming doesn't always make an 'ass out of u and me'. Sometimes it just makes me think you are an arsehole! Stupid, freaking, pig-headed, arsehole pricks who assume without evidence, just piss me off.

C's character was questioned at his work yesterday and I am so stinkin' mad I felt like going in there and slapping someone. I hate people who pull that shit....and then don't apologise when they're proven to be incorrect in their assumptions.



Blogger Randygirl said...

I'm sorry that this has happened, and I hope that at least he has the consolation of knowing that his coworkers know his character and the truth and will continue to look at him as a person who does what he commits to.

But boy, do I ever know the suffering of bosses who can't see past their egos.

1:47 pm  
Blogger SJ said...

As someone who has met C I don't know what they could have questioned, because I thought he was a really nice guy...

People are just assholes sometimes, I guess.

3:09 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Exactly, Ian. He *is* a nice guy and is the kinda guy everyone likes and gets along with. So it's just stupid that his bosses made assumptions about something they didn't know all the facts on, and now he's copping the shit for it. I wanna poke someone in the eye! Simpson, huh? I could see that! hehe

3:21 pm  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Oh yeah, Ian, he thought you were cool too. :-)

3:22 pm  

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