Friday, August 19, 2005

Just my luck

Sometimes, something positive comes from something bad. (Someone remind me I said that next time I'm talking negatively about something more profound than this post.)

Anyway, I did something to my knee a few weeks ago. Well, I didn't actually do something, it just started hurting like hell whenever I knelt down or put pressure on it at all. Denial and a high pain barrier has kept me from doing anything about it. Also, two people had mentioned arthroscopes to me and that's been enough to make me avoid medical attention.

This week, I finally admitted I need to have something done, so I went to a physiotherapist last night. Nice surprise. He's pretty cute. When I got there, I realised I'd made the mistake of wearing a skirt to work. When he said, " don't have shorts, do you?", was when it dawned on me that I'd be lying on a bench and he'd be playing with my leg.

Nice guy. Tried to cover me as much as was practical with towels, although it really wasn't necessary coz it was mainly my knee he was touching, but it amused me nonetheless.

Prognosis is that my thigh muscle is tight and it's pulling my kneecap outwards, so it's not tracking right and is rubbing on bone. Not nice. So he had to do some deep tissue massage on my thigh muscle to loosen it up. It was 'make you sweat' painful.

But he said all sorts of nice things about me and I just kept thinking, "nice looking guy is rubbing my leg, it's not so bad". I have to go back in a week. It's gonna be painful, but I think I can handle it.


Blogger grrltraveler said...

Hmm.. yah, that doesn't sound too bad!! If it's just a tight thigh muscle, i think i'd put up with the abusive massage (done that sort of thing myself and its BRUTAL) to solve the problem without any sort of intervention... and if you can draw it out, you can keep seeing Dr. Cutie for awhile! lol


6:55 pm  

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