Thursday, January 20, 2005

He'll make a great wife

Tuesday night I went to gym straight after work, so I got home shortly after 7pm. I walked in the door, past the bedroom and noticed that C was in the middle of stripping the bed and putting new sheets on. I walked up the hall and he's standing in the kitchen doing the ironing, has the oven on, cooking a chicken, has washing hanging up and the washing machine was on.

Last night, I got home and he had done the grocery shopping to buy things for dinner, because we had a guest over, he was vacuuming, scrubbing the stove top, and doing more washing. While I showered, he organised a platter of crackers and dips for pre-dinner drinks.

He's just too good.

Oh, and in other news, I'm really struggling to find a job that pays well, is close(r) to where I live, and is interesting, so I was complaining yesterday that I should just take some crappy part time job or become a housewife, because I'm just getting frustrated with it all. He says, "ok, we can talk about that". Ha, my guy doesn't care if I become a bum!

I'll have to keep him, I think.


Blogger Aubrey said...

Careful about that "housewife" thing...Your job offers you "away time" (which is important), communication with other unhappy employees that "feel your pain" (also important), and most important of all - some degree of independence. He can't tell you what to buy or not to buy with your money (and trust me, if you aren't working - this will come up). If someday (heaven forbid) you decide that this relationship isn't working out, you may be financially "stuck" because you don't have the money to move out. Keep a job - any kind of job, for your peace of mind, and as insurance that you'll never be an a position of inferiority in your relationship. That's my two cents worth.

7:05 pm  
Blogger ...just-rambling... said...

Sounds like a keeper to me!

8:16 am  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Buster - Thanks. :-) You can rest assured the housewife thing is soooo not me. My ex used to say he wanted to 'look after' me and it drove me nuts, because I'm far too independent for that. I guess, like anyone, sometimes I just need a break and don't want to do anything for a while, but I wouldn't do it unless I could do it on my own money. I went off and did courses on things I could do at home, specifically so that if I ever did have kids (yikes!) or had to be home for any length of time, I'd have my own income and not have to stick my hand out for $20. I'm far too stubborn to depend on anyone else for money. :-p But geez, a few months sitting at home, sunbaking in the afternoon, and watching daytime tv doesn't sound *too* bad. LOL

...just-rambling... - Yep, he's pretty good to me.

10:38 am  

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