Monday, January 31, 2005

Call off the search parties....

See? I'm still here. I've just had a lot of stuff going on, not to mention not being able to get to the computer very much at all. Except at work. And, at work...well, I have to work (the last couple of weeks anyway, coz school just started back and it's hectic).

I've given notice to my real estate agent. "Ok, we'll be in touch within the next few days to let you know what you have to do now." Huh? I know what I have to do. I have to pack my things, move out, and get my bond money back. Bunch of dorks! I know they won't make it easy for me.

I finally relocated my cats to C's place on Thursday. They've spent most of the time hiding under beds or the kitchen table, and the rest of the time with their noses pressed against the glass sliding doors, looking desperate to get outside into the garden. Another day or so and I'll let 'em loose on the neighbourhood during the day.

My visits with Dr Fun-Killer are going well. I go every second week now. It's been about 110 days (I know this, coz I've had to pee on a stick each morning since then - to guage fat loss - and I just finished my first bottle of sticks and there's 100 in a bottle. How's that for too much information? Ha!) Anyway, I've lost about 8.5kg (that's 18.7 pounds!!) in three months. ALL pure fat, which completely grosses me out, but as Dr F-K says, at least it's not in me anymore. In the same time, I've put on about a kilo (2.2 pounds) of active muscle tissue.

I can tell the difference in my body shape, and I can see some nice abs shaping up. Not bad, considering I still only go to the gym twice a week at best. But, I'm still stuck in the mindset of "don't like what I look like and can see everything that's 'wrong' with me". I know I'll get past that, but it's hard to get that negative picture of yourself out of your head when it's been there for so long.

C and I took A to the Melbourne Aquarium (that place rocks!!) on Saturday and we got a half decent photo, so I might upload it sometime when I get a chance.

I don't think there's anything else to add - except that I could do with some positive job search vibes. Seems there's nothing worth even looking at in the area we live in - not good for me, considering I have a job right now that pays me really good money to do a bit of work from time to time and surf blogs and message boards all day. Won't get that anywhere else. But I wouldn't mind anything, as long as I can have internet access. Ha! Well a happy worker is a productive worker!

Back to the grind...


Blogger monica said...

You're back! You're back! Yay! So glad to see you! And glad to hear things are moving along just swimmingly. ;)

2:26 pm  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I meant to tell you what a great job you are doing. I would LOVE to lose 20lbs... Do you find his eating plan really restrictive or is it working out well for you? I am intrigued that you only work out 2 days a week and still are succeeding. I always knew it had more to do with eating than working out, I just could never keep myself from eating!

Great job! You must feel really fantastic and happy with yourself for sticking with it!


9:18 am  

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