Sunday, April 02, 2006

A nail in the coffin of health

For someone who is so anti-shopping, I've spent a huge amount of time in shops and shopping centres lately. I was back at my local shopping centre today sorting out, once and for all, the crystal glass saga that's been ongoing for seemingly ages. My mum said that now it's sorted and I've put money down on the damn things that the place will burn down now. Way to go for positive thinking, huh!

I was in a part of the centre I don't usually have a need to be in, and passed a nail salon. Those women wear masks so they can put all that poisonous crap on peoples' hands. The customers weren't wearing masks though. That doesn't quite compute with me. Nor does it make sense to me that, if the stuff you're putting on your hands is that toxic, why you'd do it in the first place. Noxious fumes can't be the only issue when you're dealing with all those chemicals. And they pay money to have it done.

Then again, people still buy cigarettes too...


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